You don’t need to be a computer expert or experienced designer to do so just select your image, set your preferences, and start putting it together! It doesn’t get any faster and easier than that. Being a jigsaw fanatic I enjoyed visiting this attraction - it is situated in the. If 200 puzzles is not enough for you or you just don’t like the current selection, then Jigsaws Galore gives you the option to create your own jigsaw puzzles from scratch. Put down trays to store vital pieces, arrange the loose tiles in a myriad of ways, alter the size of the tiles, and more.Ĭhoose from two levels of difficulty: beginner and expert. Pieces snap in place when placed into their correct location.Ĭustomize your interface and layout. Put each puzzle together over an overlay of the original image. Subjects include animals, people, buildings, scenic locations, still life images, flowers and more! Assembly works just as it does in real life, but it also includes a host of features that can be afforded in the digital environment. Jigsaws Galore does not stint in the number of puzzles it provides right out of the box. Luckily, Jigsaws Galore is here to make all those troubles go away! There’s no cleanup or boxing required here all you’ll find is pure and unadulterated puzzle assembly done from the comfort of your own computer.