Draw two lines up from each wheel to connect with the body, just inside the bumps. Draw some shocks connecting the wheels to the body.To do this just draw small lines around the inside of each wheel. Now its time to draw the giant wheels of the monster truck! Under the body of the truck draw two large circles for the monster truck’s tires and then two smaller circles inside them to make the rims.Finish this step by drawing the bed of the truck with a line over and down. Then continue the line diagonally up, over and down to draw the cab where the driver sits. On the left side draw a line up and over for the hood of the monster truck. Now let’s draw the rest of the body of the cartoon monster truck.Start by drawing a small horizontal line with two bumps along the way for wheel wells. Draw the bottom of the body of the monster truck first.Follow these directed drawing instructions to make a cartoon monster truck drawing easy to do: This cartoon monster truck directed drawing should be easy enough for anyone just getting started drawing and great for small kids in preschool and kindergarten kids. Then we’ll add some details like shocks, lights and an exhaust pipe on top. First we’ll draw the body of the truck and then some big tires with treads. Today let’s try to do an easy directed drawing of a cool monster truck with giant wheels 💪. Watch my directed drawing video on how to draw a cool monster truck