Tickets are charged separately for adults and children below 12 years of age. The tickets for the event will be sold at all the Mother Dairy outlets across Delhi till 9.00 p.m. The limelight being the stalls set up by the children of the school displaying and selling the self hand-made handicraft products. The features of the event being plays, music, dance, drama, family oriented games, fun swings for kinds.
We have organised a health camp with free consultation by the doctors from XX Hospital. The school runs on the government aid and charity from NGOs and other organisations. The school has a strength of 100 blind children, who are provided shelter, clothing, food and education by the school association. The event is solely dedicated to raise fund for the PP Blind School cum Orphanage situated at Daryaganj, Delhi.
The programme is expected to start at 9.00 a.m. I am writing this letter on behalf of our management, to request a press release for advertising our upcoming charity event, scheduled to be held at Siri Fort Grounds, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi on 28ith March, 2014. My name is ABC, Business Delivery Leader at MNQ International Services.